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TOP-7 articles from Sprava for 2021

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22 articles and 12 cases on the account of the SPRAVA internet marketing agency team in 2021! It turned out to be a beautiful number ... :) We tried very hard to make each material not only interesting, but also could help in the development of your project! And judging by the number of views, we did manage to do something Today, let's recall the seven most informative and readable of these materials in case you missed something ...

How to make the hotel website useful for visitors. Checklist for the new season

By the way, it’s already relevant for the new season… :) Here you will find a list of simple, but very important actions that will make your site more user friendly, and therefore increase it in the “eyes” of search engines… all this will definitely affect the traffic and the number of orders from the site!

Why is a website a long term and well returned investment?

Remember the song about dad who can do anything? There is a true opinion that mothers can do more ... Disputes aside. Because when it comes to business, EVERYTHING can do only a website! Well, or if not all, then definitely more than you think;) Read this article and your site will definitely not be the same!

About the most typical expectations from SEO and why they are not met

The eternal theme is almost Shakespearean: you trust a SEO specialist, you believe and wait, but your site has not appeared in the TOP-3 of Google after a month and a half of promotion... What to do, where to run and who is to blame in everything? We understand in this article.

How to work with Google My Business: a complete guide from A to Z

We have translated and adapted this super guide from Brightlocal especially for our readers. Everything from the very beginning: what is GMB, how it can be useful for business, what little-known features this service has that can be used to promote almost any business!

Quick export / import of goods for online stores. What is important to know?

We will understand a difficult topic together with the head of the technical department “SPRAVA”: synchronization of the 1C file, the formation of an xml file, how to automate this process as much as possible and what mistakes can be avoided ...

16 SEO Audit Steps to Improve Google Rankings

The article is not for one evening, if we talk about the volume :))) But the profit from it is no less! Great work of the Ahrefs service team, known and respected by SEOs around the world. Clear, concise, and full of useful links. It will be clear even for beginners. We recommend!

PPC What type of contextual advertising is suitable for solving your problems?

types of Google Ads

We will understand all the main types of advertising on the Internet (or rather, on Google), what are the pros and cons of each, and which one is right for your business. Save, read and apply!

That's all, friends! Thank you for being with us in 2021 and see you in the new 2022! May it be better, kinder and even more productive for all of us!

Sprava Agency
Google Ads
Meta Ads
Web Development
Google Business Profle
Google Analytics
5 Min read
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