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Change or die - notes from iForum 2018

Sprava Agency
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Change or die - this is the theme of this talk with iForum that I want to put in the title. Every time after this it-party, the debate flares up whether it was useful or not, what was right and what was wrong. But in fact, in a world that is constantly changing, it is important all the time to have time to delve into changes and apply, to have time to take knowledge and implement it. And this conference is another opportunity to get new ideas and new acquaintances.

In April 2018, the SPRAVA TM team visited the 10th Ukrainian Forum of internet-figures. According to the organizers, the forum brought together more than 12 thousand people, several streams and dozens of speakers.

Of course, 20 minutes for a report is not enough for top, charismatic speakers and sometimes too much for others.

I share the most interesting things that I managed to hear, feel and understand from the flow of Internet marketing.

The most interesting speeches  by speakers who were themselves and really invested value in their reports, and advertising themselves later.

  • Your interaction with customers does not begin from the moment you received a call/appeal/arrival, but from the moment you were remembered! What will the customer think of you? Is it clear how to get, how to park, what to expect...and that's all before applying.
  • The same epic mistake of marketers remains the lack of a strategy and the idea of ​​​​a “magic pill”. There is no single promotion scenario suitable for all types of businesses. And this is true not only for marketers, but also for managers - look for uniqueness, chips in your business, opportunities to present it!
  • The cost of advertising campaigns has grown - in search by 40%, on Facebook by 2 times. Therefore, if you plan +30% in terms of sales, then the advertising budget should be at least 2 times larger, taking into account the growth in the cost of advertising.
  • Invest some of your budget in experiments.
  • We must constantly update our experience. Doing as before will lead to missed opportunities.
  • The world has become transparent. And when a company orders brand promotion, people will look at the owner - whether he broadcasts the same values ​​that are shown in the company's advertising. And only then will they believe.
  • Invest in content, in its variety. Don't just tell us what cool and reliable door locks you offer, but order animation - show how the product works.
  • Look for what you can to improve on your site and refine it all the time. Do you have a clear message after sending the order what will happen next and what to expect for the buyer? Maybe after sending the application, the buyer remains in the ignorance or sees the template phrase “Thank you, we will call you back” (it’s already good that there is, but it does not inspire confidence).
  • If almost everything on the site needs to be redone, then you should think about it - it might be easier to make a new site as it should.

Perhaps any of these points will seem simple. If you have an ideal option on the site and in marketing, then you are right. If not, then you can start applying and correcting.

And, of course, any event is new acquaintances and emotions. This is an opportunity to communicate live, exchange impressions and become emotionally closer.

Sprava Agency
3 Min read
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