Google Update

Search engine news: what Google said

Tetiana Zheveha
Head of SEO at Sprava Agency
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On August 1, the Google Webmaster Blog published an article by Danny Sullivan. The author explaining what webmasters and site owners should know about Google's core updates.

Key points to keep in mind for website owners

Specialists from SPRAVA identified the main accents that need to be taken into account after changing the Google algorithm.

  • Google is regularly working on improving the Core updates: several times a year it conducts global updates, which, as a rule, are reported and confirmed by representatives of the search engine; minor updates are also constantly taking place;
  • Google's core updates are aimed at improving the quality of the search, and not with the aim of punishing some sites and / or pages, therefore, when a site's position drops after global updates, Google recommends to evaluaty the quality of the site as a whole, and not looking for the reasons for the drawdown in individual pages;
  • If, after Google's core update, your site's positions and traffic began to fall, this does not mean that your site has become worse. Most likely, the fact is that the sites that have risen higher in the search results were rated by the algorithm as being of higher quality and those that satisfy user intents to a greater extent. The most important thing is quality content!

Intent in information retrieval refers to the need of the user. For each request, there is a main intent and additional (additional needs).

  • When evaluating your own site, Google recommends focusing on the main recommendations for the quality of sites in its blog for webmasters, look at what the content of competitors is worth, and also pay special attention to the sections of E-A-T (expertise, authority, reliability).
  • It is necessary to constantly work on improving the site and its content, since the quality of the site is reassessed by search algorithms not only during core updates, but also during small improvements, which means that there is not a day to lose. And here, dear friends, we can help you!


Tetiana Zheveha
Head of SEO at Sprava Agency
4 Min read
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