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"SPRAVA" at the summer conference in Odesa: "It's 8P, baby!"

Sprava Agency
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The height of summer. This is how the morning began for the four employees of "SPRAVA", who took part in the summer and at the same time one of the most popular conferences in the field of Internet marketing in the entire CIS - «8Р» from the Netpeak agency and Octopus Events:

  • Lenara Kozakova
  • Anastasia Topolskaya
  • Tatiana Zhevega
  • Alina Murashkina

It has already become a tradition for Sprava — every year, different employees of the company go to the conference to improve their qualifications, learn new things, and plunge into the atmosphere of a lively SEO world that is constantly boiling with news.


Every year the conference surprises with something and gathers a growing audience of interesting, ready to communicate and open to new information people. This year there were already 500 more such people at 8P than last year - 1750 participants from ten countries!

Among the main features of 8P 2018 is an even more advanced program with four streams:

  • SEO for professionals
  • Ecommerce (Online stores)
  • PPC for professionals
  • Traffic arbitration

There are a lot of useful information at the conference: more than 40 speakers from top companies, four 25-minute lectures at the same time, even a coffee break and lunch were filled with additional speeches, and at the end there were three panel discussions. But we will be as concise as possible and will only talk about those speeches that made an impression on us and became the occasion for heated discussions at lunch and dinner that day, as well as upon returning to work.


Since the areas of work in our company are different, preferences in choosing speakers are also divided. As a result, we attended twice as many speeches, and made a rating of speakers who should be visited again and subscribed on social networks. We will tell you about them.

David Braun - responsive marketing evangelist in Ukraine, position: CEO & co-founder of TemplateMonster Presentation topic: CHECKLIST FOR ONLINE BUSINESS GROWTH (stream - Online stores)

David is a fairly frequent guest of such events, so based on the experience of past years, we had no doubt that his report would be worthwhile. And they were not mistaken: it was not only informative, but also so interesting that 25 minutes passed quickly.

Oleg Salamakha - Founder at Serpstat

Report topic: TECHNICAL AUDIT ON THE EXAMPLE OF 1M SITES (stream - SEO for specialists)

Here, our SEO department gained a lot of useful knowledge: the speaker talked about the results of studying Google search results for 1M sites, figured out technical optimization issues, solved the “subdomain or directory” dilemma, and even managed to talk about using an AMP page. And here's the case:

“If the site has a link to a virus resource, this can significantly harm its ranking. How to solve the problem if the link is not removed? Use data caching at home or make transitions with redirects.

Aleksey Rylko - Senior SEO Consultant at Iprospect

Topic: LOCAL SEO IN GOOGLE: FEATURES, REALITY AND CONCEPT (stream - SEO for specialists) that are related to your service in the region (service / product + region).

Sergey Koksharov - SEO Analyst at devaka.info

Presentation topic: SEO FEATURES FOR JAVASCRIPT SITES (stream - SEO for specialists)

Sergey's report was about how the site should be according to Google's recommendations: first of all, he expressed his condolences to those specialists who have to work with javascript. If this is still unavoidable, Sergey recommends checking that the content scripts are indexed by the PS (this can be done manually by checking the content fragments through the search: whether the search engine finds specific content on your site (on the page where you added it with a script). This is the correct way, as Google Search Console's "Browse as Googlebot" feature does not fully answer this question). As well as:

  • check site performance using JS in Chrome version 41 (it is used by Google search robots);
  • it is important that the content loads up to 20 seconds, as the search robot leaves the site if it takes longer to load;
  • use server-side rendering (SSR instead of CSR) - that is, when a user requests a site, the server will return a ready-made page, and not wait for scripts to load, especially when they are large and / or there are many and interconnected.

Andrey Burenok — CEO at Viasat Ukraine, founder of TripMyDream service, YouTube blogger.

Presentation topic: "How to promote a YouTube channel from 0 to 50K subscribers in 10 months" (stream - Online stores from A to Z)

It was just 5+, really :) As the speaker himself said, “the main thing is to provoke a reaction ... positive, negative - it doesn’t matter. But the main thing is that it should be, otherwise everything is very bad ... ". And Andrey called her ... in 25 minutes he managed to transfer us, the listeners, from the state of hostile and indignant to ... his new subscribers :)))


After all this eventful day and the solemn closing of the conference, the participants were waiting for the traditional and invariably enchanting 8P Pool-after-party... Let's show a couple of photos from it and then intriguingly shut up... :))

By the way, SPRAVA has a sales department in Odessa.

Sprava Agency
4 Min read
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