
Top 6 Sprava Blog Articles in 2020: Most Helpful

Sprava Agency
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We will have a new tradition: at the end of each year, carefully reread what we have written so important and necessary and determine the winning articles.

It’s useful for us, because we understand what we need to write more and more in the next year, and it’s definitely useful for you, because these are the articles that were most popular among our blog readers.

Article “Top 7 Main SEO Trends in 2020

To understand which trends are sustainable, which of the forecasts for 2020 came true and which did not, you need to reread and think.

  1. Expert content. Definitely moving into the trends of 2021. We will consider this trend stable.
  2. YMYL pages/sites. Sites and its individual pages must fully comply with the requirements presented in the "Guidelines for Assessors" from Google.
  3. Focusing on the appearance in SERP. We will definitely increase the CTR of snippets in 2021. Coming soon in the blog article about it, don't miss it :)
  4. Mobile UI/UX. Working on improving the quality of the user interface and constantly improving user experience indicators for Mobile is definitely a sustainable trend.
  5. Website loading speed. Improving loading speed indicators is a steady trend.
  6. Integrated marketing. An integrated approach to the development of the project will provide an opportunity to gain a foothold in a niche and prepare for changes in search algorithms. This trend can be called eternal.
  7. Artificial Intelligence. Let's see what search engines will surprise us with next year.

P.S. After analyzing the trends in SEO for 2020, we suggest that you also pay attention to our overview of trends in SEO in 2021.

Article “Life hacks to increase conversion when working in Google Ads

You will learn why and how to prepare landing pages for advertising campaigns, what should be on your landing page necessarily. Life hacks concerning ads in search, you will learn how to improve ads in context, increase the financial return on each ad, and rationally reallocate the advertising campaign budget.

Article “How to write texts for websites in 2020?

Honestly? In the same way, it will be necessary to write texts for websites in 2021. Namely, text must be written qualitatively with paying attention to the indicators of SEO texts, LSI queries, water content, spamming and uniqueness. But most importantly is that you have to write for people. Interesting, detailed, expert, without a fanatical focus on the dry indicators of “normal” texts, which, however, can serve as auxiliary tools for evaluation.

A good and correct text is the one that the team worked on: the customer, the SEO specialist and the copywriter.

Article “Text Ranking Factors - Google

Important conclusions for website owners:

  • Website text is an important factor for search engines.
  • Useless texts for users are those for search engines.
  • Expertise of the text is highly desirable, for YMYL-themed sites it is mandatory. Here you need to connect your specialists so that the copywriter or editor simply helps them present the information correctly.
  • The texts are written primarily for the site visitor. They should be easy to understand and interesting to the user. To do this, if possible, you need to use lists, tables, infographics in texts, add thematic videos and photos.
  • The general requirements for optimizing texts are simple and clear, but in each individual niche and at different points in time, certain subtleties can come to the fore. Consult with a specialist!
  • Don't forget to use headings to structure the text, they should be natural, logical and not spammy. Ideally, a person, after reading all the headings, should understand what the text is about.

Article “Message to hoteliers: where the guest goes also depends on you

This is a guest post from our good friend and marketing strategist at Bee SMART. Tochka Zletu Tatyana Goncharenko, written at the very beginning of the pandemic, when everyone froze in confusion and did not know what to do and where to run.

Tatyana called 2020 “the year of service and communication” for the tourism industry. Her advice is also relevant for planning work in the 2021 season.

Article “How the hotel should act during the crisis. Survival Guide

An article by the Hotel Studio Ideologist Olga Mishchenko with an overview of the situation in the HoReCa industry in 2020 and practical advice on building effective work in the face of constant change.

Sprava Agency
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