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How to write texts for websites in 2020?


The realities of 2020 are as follows: every self-respecting businessman has already taken care of this or is in the process of registering a business in the form of a website.

The developers said "Done!" - and you can proceed to the next stage and fill the site with content. As SPRAVA experience shows, this process causes many difficulties and drags on for a long period. And the SEO text of 2020 is very different from those text walls with highlighted keys that we all are used to ignoring.

Every second person today buys something via the Internet. The competition between sites is high. A site of 3-5 pages with a text of 1,000 characters will not surprise anyone. Moreover, it is better not to make such sites at all, they are not competitive.

In this article, we will help our customers and blog readers understand the following issues:

So let's go...

Why is it important to pay special attention to the quality of texts on the site?

Texts for websites are your opportunity to conduct a dialogue with a potential buyer. And how many site visitors will become your customers depends on how convincing you will be.

To understand which texts on sites worked in the past and will work in 2020, I will give an example from agricultural topics: two texts on sites that are in the top. Low-frequency query "Bogdana wheat seeds" with high competition and conversion.

We take sites from the TOP-10

First example:

  • First comes a table with sowing and productive characteristics. These ones influence the choice of farmers, based on their climatic zone of activity:
    table with sowing and productive characteristics
  • Then the user is shown a variety description in order to fully satisfy his intent - to tell more and to reveal all aspects of the queried subject:
    product description

Second example:

We see a table (not bad, you say, and I agree) with the main characteristics of the product, but!.. Not all of them affect the visitor's choice.

product description

Both sites give a variety of characterizations on the site. And now I'll ask you:

On which site is the user most likely to make a purchase?

Our experience shows that on the first one, since there is the most complete information. There are answers to questions that will interest a potential buyer. You can immediately study all the pros and cons of a particular product.

If you look from the promotion point of view, then in the first variant:

  • the page has high rates of the answer completeness - it tells about everything that may be of interest to a potential audience in one way or another;
  • the page contributes to obtaining higher positions in the top - and the higher the position of the site, the higher its CTR;
  • page content improves the behavioral factors of the page and the site as a whole - the user will read, study the information, which means that the bounce rate will be minimal, and the average time on the site will increase.

It turns out:

More successful site ranking for targeted queries = The result for the business is an increase in sales.

A tempting prospect, isn't it?

Let's figure out how to get the most effective site and save your nerves.

The main indicators of SEO-text for the site and tools for their analysis

If you enter the query “seo-text analysis” into, you will get more than 400 thousand results. Not everything that can be subtracted is relevant for 2020. Search is updated, search engine algorithms are constantly being improved, and what used to be the highest priority for SEO copywriters when writing texts is no longer of value.

Let's sort it out in order, what is important in SEO text analysis, and how to write seo text in 2020.


The uniqueness of site text is an important factor. Whatever service you choose for verification, the text uniqueness must be at least 95%. But not all texts can be written with such indicators, for example, goods description (those that everyone sells). Also do not bother writing a completely unique description. You can increase this figure by adding to the card:

  • blocks "Also looked", "Also bought with this product" with goods display;
  • the ability for users to leave feedback and comment on the page.

In this case, you need to pay maximum attention to the provided content value and its reading ease (submission form, font size and color, appearance of the product page itself).

If we are talking about pages of services or product categories, then it is important to work with uniqueness as well. Check uniqueness using these services (TOP 3 among copywriters and SEO specialists):

The terms of use for each are different. More details can be found on the official websites. But if we are talking about checking several texts a day or a week, then the opportunities that are offered for free will be enough.

Website text length

One of the text metrics most talked about in the last few years in SEO circles:

  • Someone still believes that not all niches, not all types of pages need texts.
  • Others prefer long and meaningful texts.

So who is right?

In fact, the truth is somewhere in the middle. There are some nuances in niches, in site types, in the topics of the pages themselves and in the search engine approaches.

I’d like to be less verbose and show you an example. Consider the TOP-5 for the competitive query SEO-promotion 2020 in the Google-Kyiv region:

Position Website Site Type Number of text characters (no spaces)
1 digital agency 7 687
2 digital agency 14 804
3 SEO service 9 660
4 digital agency 9 876
5 digital agency 32 130

As you can see, long text - at least 8,000 characters - is required to satisfy the user's intent. But this does not mean at all that it will be enough to write the longest possible text (a site in the 5th position has almost 5 times longer text than in the 1st) in order to win the first position.

Therefore, the length of the text must be taken into account, but it is also necessary to correctly work with expertise, facts, examples, comparative tables, structure and other indicators of a quality page that will be useful and interesting to readers..

Watery content

The watery content of the site’s texts shows the ratio of the total text volume and the number of stop words used. The norm of this indicator differs from service to service, since their bases contain different lists of stop words.

Let's look at the "norms of text watery content" on the services already mentioned above:

  • – the number of 15% is called the norm.
  • Advego – text is considered the norm with a watery content index of up to 60%.

But is that so? Let’s check it on the sites from the top already mentioned earlier:

As you can see, the watery content indicators of sites from the top are close (well, almost all of them) to the norm indicators, but sometimes they go a little beyond the limit figures. But this does not prevent them from occupying worthy positions and collecting organic targeted traffic. While the site in the fifth position has excellent indicators of watery content, this is not such a competitive advantage for it to occupy the first position.

Conclusion: texts should be interesting, readable, and only then with normal watery content. When writing texts for the site, you should not focus solely on dry figures according to the “norms” of watery content.


Spamming (also called nausea), speaking in human language, is an overabundance of keywords and phrases in relation to the total volume of the written text.

Each service defines the norms of this indicator in its own way. In addition, a distinction is made between academic and classical nausea of the text.

The most common services for checking this parameter, already known to you:

  • - an indicator in the range of 30-60% is considered the norm (which means that the text is optimized, but there is no risk of falling under the filter).
  • Advego - this service defines two types of nausea: academic - up to 8%, classical - up to 5% (although the service itself recommends keeping the parameter within 5-15%, but it depends on the style of writing the text).

In practice, the use of this parameter looks like this:

Website Spamming by Classic nausea according to Advego Academic nausea by Advego 53 % 3 % 5 % 49 % 4 % 5 % 53 % 4 % 6 % 54 % 4 % 6 % 59 % 12 % 6 %

As you can see, the indicators of nausea (spaminess) of all the studied texts are within the declared norm.

It is important to observe the spamming of the text, since the spammed text will not only rank worse - it will be extremely uncomfortable for users to read such text. Instead of showing the value of the service / product offer, search queries will take all the attention of users, due to which the site will most likely be closed and not read to the end.

I will not be unique - write texts for people! They work well :)

Spelling and punctuation

Both spammed and illiterate texts are difficult to read. If we are talking about well-written SEO texts, then spelling and punctuation are important. This is a required indicator.


LSI-words - an indicator of the expertise of the text on the site

For several years now, one of the most important SEO trends has been expert and quality content. In addition to the fact that such texts should be written by people who understand the topic, it is also important to use thematic, semantically related words, which, in fact, help to make the texts as relevant as possible to the needs of users, satisfying their intent. Such words are called LSI words.

Services that help with the search for LSI words for writing competent, interesting and correct, from the expertise point of view, texts for websites:

  • Megaindex
    search for LSI words with Megaindex
  • Google Suggestions
    Google Suggestions
  • Google Recommendations
    Google Recommendations

But it is important not to confuse the simple insertion of LSI words with their competent use in writing a text that is most relevant to a given topic.

Let's figure it out:

  • How to write the most interesting, useful text?
  • Who is involved in the creation of such content and what is he responsible for?
  • How to get the most out of this process?

How to get the most effective texts on the site? Sharing practical experience

Text that users and search engines like is the product of a collaborative effort between a business owner, SEO specialist, and SEO copywriter. But how to get such a text without going crazy? And why is the participation of the site owner in writing truly valuable content so important?

Client's zone of influence

Text that users and search engines like is the product of a collaborative effort between a business owner, SEO specialist, and SEO copywriter. But how to get such a text without going crazy? And why is the participation of the site owner in writing truly valuable content so important?

Client's zone of influence

To begin with, I propose to analyze what the customer (business owner) is responsible for in the texts:

  • The relevance of the text to the product or service being sold. It should be like this: the description is as detailed as possible, the characteristics of the product are exhaustive, the conditions for purchasing the product are understandable.
  • There is a unique selling proposition to tell you apart from competitors.
  • Graphic information (photos and videos) that would help the user to study the product in detail, and would also serve as auxiliary material for making a decision to purchase the product.

This is all the information that you want to and are ready to tell and show to a potential buyer when he contacts you. But it is worth understanding and remembering:

  • Users are demanding, and if you don’t have the necessary information, they won’t call you, but will go to your competitor’s website.
  • Competitors are flexible - they study user demand, work on the answer completeness, tell on the site pages about things you prefer to tell on the phone if users call you (and if they don’t?).

Such texts work, though not at full capacity, and even collect traffic for low-frequency queries. But does it satisfy the business? The answer, I think, is obvious.


Subject: education in Slovenia.

Description of the project: the customer independently and actively worked with the content of the site. All articles were written by experts from his company. But SEO specialists were not involved, the texts were not optimized. 

The first steps in SEO-promotion: in addition to technical optimization, SPRAVA specialists collected the semantic core and optimized the site materials. New texts were not written, as the strategy for working with the project was to get the most out of what was already there.

Results after a year of promotion:

  • April 2016 - 326 users from organic search,
  • April 2017 - 1,452 users from organic search.

The result of the year of cooperation: +445% growth from organic search.

+445% growth from organic search

By the way! If you want to optimize the texts on the site or immediately fill the site with content that both search engines and users like - wellcome! We will help you deal with this task, increase website traffic and, accordingly, conversion

SEO studio area of responsibility

Why do businesses turn to SEO studios? For help with online sales. And no matter what goals the customer announces to us (increase traffic, get TOP-1-3 for one or several important queries), in fact, the goal is always the same - to make money on the Internet.

Therefore, when working with texts, we keep in focus the intermediate goals of the customer, but always focus on the main goal - to sell a product (goods or service).

To do this, we check all site’s ranking factors - primary and secondary, - and work with them on sites. Working with texts is one of such factors.

How is SEO text written for sites at SPRAVA?

Writing high-quality, effective and selling text is a complex and demanding process. It is not just writing some kind of text for keywords that corresponds to the main indicators of SEO analysis, but making one that responds to the user's search interest for specific queries.

When people go to SPRAVA to promote a site in search engine, we don't start with texts at all.

Our primary task is to:

  • >analyze the quantity and quality of current texts on the site;
  • analyze niche and competitors. We must evaluate the ratio of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the text content of our customer’s site and its competitors. The task is to understand how competitive the current content is. And to determine whether the texts need to be supplemented, expanded, added expertise, or it is necessary to write everything from scratch (it sounds scary, but sometimes it’s better to immediately recognize this and start working correctly than to lose six months or a year trying to get a result from what we have);
  • determine the total and minimum required volumes to obtain results and solve problems;
  • and start implementing.

When working with texts SPRAVA SEO-specialist is responsible for::

  • determining the amount of text required based on competitor and niche analysis;
  • preparation of a list of basic and additional words that must be used when writing a text;
  • creation of technical specifications for copywriters, which describes the following parameters:
    1. what the text should be written about (indicating the order of content submission, its content and volumes of certain blocks);
    2. questions that need to be disclosed according to the specifics of the service / product provided - questions to the customer, without answers to which the copywriter will not be able to write an effective text;
    3. search queries for page promotion plan as well as the frequency of their use in the text;
    4. additional words that set the subject (LSI-words);
    5. examples of well-written texts in terms of information presentation; examples of good texts on topics of interest from the top in the context of writing a specific text;
  • review of the finished text in accordance with the terms of reference and its supplement, if necessary;
  • inserting headings H1-H6 and other optimization elements;
  • checking and refining the page structure (if necessary) so that the text not only meets all SEO requirements, but is readable and interesting for target users.

An example of text that seems to be tailored for commercial requests “buy mitsubishi parts”, but is it really? Let's look objectively:

bad example of text optimization

It is fair to ask, then, what is a good text? Instead of answering I’ll show the examples from SPRAVA experience:

Example 1: Text on a site page from the TOP 3 Google for the query "hotel in Odessa with a pool"

Text on the site page from the TOP-3 Google for the query «hotel in Odessa with a pool»

Example 2: Text on the page of the site from the TOP 3 Google for the query "abdominoplasty in Zaporozhye"

Text on the site page from the TOP-3 Google for the query «abdominoplasty in Zaporozhye»

These are texts for sites that:

  • get the top for highly competitive queries;
  • collect targeted traffic;
  • were written by an SEO copywriter, but we received all the introductory information from those who are best acquainted with the service - from site owners;
  • were written on the basis of a clear TOR from SPRAVA SEO specialist.

Do you want the same for your medical website? Let's audit your site.

In conclusion

Texts for websites is a complex, lengthy process that requires constant attention.

A good and correct text is the one that was written with the team efforts: the customer, the SEO specialist and the copywriter.

The main secret of how to write SEO texts in 2020? Write for people! Interesting. Detailed. Expert. Without focusing on the dry indicators of "normal" texts, which, however, can serve as auxiliary tools for evaluation.

Tatyana Zhevega

Head of SEO at Sprava Agency

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