
SEO for a Professional Optics Store: How We Helped Our Client Secure a Top 3 Spot in a Competitive Market

Top Optics
Updating and relaunching a website can make it more modern and appealing to the target audience

However, without a comprehensive approach that includes design changes, structural adjustments, and essential SEO considerations, you risk a drop in search rankings and a decrease in organic traffic. Our client faced such a situation.

Specialists at Sprava Agency managed to bring the site into the Top 3 for priority keywords and maintain stable positions. Due to our NDA, we can't disclose the company name, but we will explain the work we did and the challenges we encountered.

About the Client

The online store sells professional optics and accessories for hunting and tourism.

Many of the products are also suitable for military use.

The client’s website features original products from brands like:
  • Pulsar;
  • Iray;
  • Delta;
  • Fortuna;
  • ATN;

Customers can find night vision devices, thermal imagers, thermal binoculars and scopes, optical sights, thermal attachments, rangefinders, and mounts. Recently, the store added drones and anti-drone systems to its catalog, and the range continues to expand.

Initial Situation, Goals, and Objectives

The client approached Sprava Agency in May 2023. In January, a new website for the online store was created and launched, which led to a drop in rankings for priority keywords ("buy thermal imager" and "thermal imager buy") to the 8th–10th positions. In a highly competitive niche, such rankings severely impact traffic and sales.

The primary goal was to reach the Top 2 and Top 3 for the priority keywords mentioned above, as well as the following search phrases:

  • Pulsar thermal imager
  • Iray thermal imager
  • Thermal sight
  • Night vision devices
  • Thermal binoculars
  • Buy PVS 14

Before starting the SEO work, we developed a plan for the upcoming months. Here's how it looked:

Month 1: SEO for the «Thermal Imagers» Category
  • Conducting preparatory technical work, setting up analytics systems, and installing Clarity to track user behavior on the site.
  • Collecting the semantic core.
  • Checking and speeding up page load times compared to competitors.
  • Analyzing content and optimization.
  • Preparing internal optimization recommendations and agreeing on upcoming work.
  • Analyzing links, domain, and internal linking.
  • Checking the implementation of SEO recommendations.
  • Working on the FAQ section.
Month 2: Working with Subcategories of the «Thermal Imagers» Section (by Brands)
  • Analyzing content and page optimization, setting SEO tasks.
  • Preparing recommendation files and agreeing on their implementation.
  • Checking links, domain, and internal linking.
  • Verifying the implementation of recommendations.
  • Working on the FAQ section.

By the end of the second month, we planned to complete at least 80% of the tasks. In the third month, we aimed to work on content related to the «Thermal Imagers» category, external optimization, usability, and reviews.

How We Worked

We started by developing an SEO strategy based on:

  • Competitor analysis
  • Technical and SEO audits
  • Semantic collection and query clustering

To promote the online store's pages and categories in organic search, we performed the following tasks:

  • Preparing a content plan based on competitor analysis and developing additional topics for entry points to the site (publishing articles in the blog).
  • Creating recommendations for optimization and internal linking.
  • Analyzing competitors and finding additional «tricks».
  • Preparing usability recommendations, which the client implemented independently.
  • Acquiring backlinks.

Unfortunately, the client, being focused on the Ahrefs ranking (a third-party service), did not fully implement all our usability recommendations. The initially planned reviews were also not published on the site and Google Maps.

Results Achieved

Today, the resource consistently appears in the Top 2 and Top 3 for the priority search phrases.

However, the client is often concerned about the dynamics in the search results: some queries don't maintain consistent positions and occasionally drop to 4th or 5th place. This is not surprising. Google’s ranking algorithms consider many factors, including relevance, quality, site reputation, and behavioral factors. Sprava Agency continues to promote the project.

Ludmila Katrych

Project Manager
at Sprava Agency


Working on this project is interesting and comfortable, but one main issue is that the client (who also handles technical work) focuses on acquiring backlinks and improving the Ahrefs ranking instead of following many SEO and usability recommendations, which I believe could lead to more significant results.

Natalia Korsun

SEO Specialist
at Sprava Agency


To achieve a Top 3 ranking in a highly competitive market, standard optimization methods are not enough.

Attention to the smallest details is crucial. Behavioral factors are particularly important, and their impact takes time. We worked on several fronts simultaneously — analyzing what competitors have that we don’t, improving usability, enhancing the external link profile, and making optimization adjustments, even down to adding or removing a single word.

Updating a website is a comprehensive task

That must include SEO considerations

Achieving results requires the coordinated effort of both the SEO agency and the online store. This approach ensures the site remains high in rankings, providing stable traffic and sales.

Looking for new growth opportunities for your project? Contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

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