
B2B case: how to increase foodservice sales with SEO

Coffee Proffee
B2B E-commerce
This case will be useful for those who work
in the B2B sphere and offer not only goods, but also advice
on the operation and repair of goods.
Coffee Proffee is an online store of professional equipment for coffee houses (coffee machines, coffee grinders for HoReCa *), spare parts, components, chemicals and accessories for coffee machines and coffee grinders. The store owners have established direct supplies of spare parts directly from manufacturers' factories (Italy and other European countries). There is a section with coffee machines after restoration.
The online store sells throughout Ukraine, it is quite popular and recognizable. The main feature of this store is detailed consultations. Spare parts for coffee machines are supplied from stock and on order from manufacturing plants. Trade in retail and wholesale. The customer contacted us after the audit of the site, when he realized that it was possible to increase sales.
Increase traffic and orders from the site

At the start of work (August 2017)

  • site traffic - 1459 clicks;
  • from organic search - 1136;
  • number of orders - 10.

It is interesting that initially the customer thought that he was doing well, the site was in order and he did not need promotion. But our audit showed that there are still many unused tools and features that can be useful and even more conversions and pluses to karma from grateful buyers

Product card - it's worth starting with!

We started by editing the product card, since this is the first thing that the buyer is interested in.

BEFORE the work, the product card was uninformative. Yes, in general, there were no separate cards as such: there were previews in the general list of goods - with a photo, a brief description, a price and a “Buy” button.

Why is it so IMPORTANT that each product has a separate page with its own URL? Read below.

How the product card looks NOW

Now there are plans to add guarantees, delivery and payment terms to the product card.

We've added details:

  • productivity in cups;
  • varieties of coffee drinks;
  • features of connection and functionality;
  • the weight;
  • voltage;
  • dimensions ... in a word, everything that is important to the buyer.

Technical improvements and elementary “user friendly”

After product cards, we started to eliminate those moments that search engines don’t “like” very much (which, accordingly, hinders the growth of positions), and also makes the site not very convenient for buyers.

  • finalized the structure of the product catalog to display subcategories in product categories. This made it possible to add more products without developing complex filters;
  • fixed 500 error;
  • adjusted the correct switching between language versions of the site;
  • set up the CNC (human-understandable url);
  • worked on the basket functionality: simplified the order form and internal design. This facilitated the work managers of company and greatly simplified the ordering process for store customers;
  • improved the site search functionality: moved the search field from the menu to the header (the top part of the site), activated additional parameters on the search results page that did not work initially, and also made it possible to switch to individual product cards;
  • separate functionality was created for the “Technical schemes” section with the ability to add schemes to special photo galleries (previously they were designed as text pages with photos). It was the customer's request. This gallery also has a search option;
  • found and fixed errors in usability (the convenience of using a site for your site guest): made phone numbers and E-mail clickable on the entire site, added recaptcha (protection of the site from spam), added an interactive Google map with company address marks to all pages, added the necessary information pages for the online store about the guarantee, methods of ordering and payment, about the return of goods, added the section "Promotional goods" to the site;
  • created the “Reviews” section, displayed the reviews rating on the site;
  • worked on the site structure and external design (made changes to the site header, added several items to the menu, changed the template of the product page and cart page)
These are statistics for 2017. It can be visible with the naked eye that the site traffic has almost doubled after the work! Moreover, it is important to take into account that this is only due to improvements in the usability of the site - we began to carry out SEO work directly only in September (and it takes time for these works to be taken into account by search engines).
#LIFEHACK for the service sector,
when there are not enough competent
specialists to advise buyers!

Problem.. We noticed that there is only one contact on the site for feedback - in Viber. Therefore, they suggested adding buttons, the so-called CTA (call to action - calling for action): “Get a consultation”, etc., which will attract attention and, in addition, give users an alternative way of communication. And that means an increase in the number of applications.

The customer explained that only one employee from the state can give comprehensive professional advice on the selection, maintenance and repair of coffee machines. Therefore, additional contacts are not displayed on purpose on the site - one employee cannot cope with a large volume of calls.

But in fact, what is it? Minus sales and drawdowns in lead generation.

Solution option. Record employee consultations on video (e.g. model/brand/manufacturer, area of the outlet for which this coffee machine is suitable, features of its functionality and maintenance, differences from other brands, advantages/disadvantages, spare parts and repairs ...) and post these videos as on the YouTube channel (just don't forget to write the necessary tags when publishing - then the search engines will include your videos in the results!), and on the blog (here it is important to optimize the "leader" to the article)

The benefit will be double: your company's employees will also be able to watch the videos and, accordingly, learn from them to advise clients at the right level. And for potential buyers, such videos will demonstrate your expertise and provide real benefits - you must admit, this is inviting.

If you're a service provider, take advantage of this content marketing technique.

What is SEO?


When collecting and clustering the semantic core, as usual, we start from what goods and services are in priority. With the help of Google tools (search hints and Google Trends), we picked up some of the queries. In addition, we analyzed the issuance of competitors (another source of information that should not be neglected!). Additionally, we took several groups of goods: milk jugs, temperas, accessories for coffee machines.

Regularly review the semantic core for relevance! And by all means - all requests must correspond to reality: if we DO NOT sell the “N” brand coffee machine, then it should not be in the requests for which we optimize the site


We started promotion (August 2017) with 21% of requests in the TOP-10, now (May 2021) - 73%.

For 5 months of work - + 135% of organic users

Site work

  • Well, firstly, thanks to consistent work, technical errors were eliminated that stopped “enraging” search engine robots during regular crawls :) You can see these errors in Google Search Console;
  • Internal optimization of two language versions was carried out: meta tags were written, internal linking was done, duplicate pages were eliminated, etc.;
  • Landing pages are designed and filled with useful and relevant texts, which include keywords from our semantic core;
  • Registered meta tags for non-landing pages;
  • Optimized articles in the "Blog" section. By the way, a blog is a great helper in website promotion! Now let's go through it too.

The customer's sales peak in autumn. Therefore, in autumn, demand increases and, accordingly, attendance. But with systematic work, growth, of course, will be in the “off-season”.

Comparison of organic traffic in 2017 and 2020.

The result, as they say, is "on the face", more precisely, on the account in Google Analytics :)

  • +237.8% of users;
  • the percentage of failures decreased from 60% to 15;
  • the number of pages viewed on the site has doubled;
  • average session duration increased by 12%.

Working on the blog

The blog appeared on the site on the recommendation of our SEO specialists. In fact, this is a really good way to attract additional traffic to the site (for information requests), as well as increase the loyalty of your audience. Provided, of course, that the texts are really useful! Also interesting and well written.

The topics of the articles were considered together with the customers, the copywriter wrote according to the terms of reference of our SEO specialist.


For clarity, we have drawn up the most important indicators in the table:

  January-July 2017 (BEFORE work starts) August-December 2017 (4 months of work) 2018 2019 2020
Traffic 7 323 16 876 (+56,6%) 28 651 (+41%) 35 119 (+18%) 52 397 (+32,9%)
Google Search (normal search) 5 744 13 467 (+57%) 23 203 (+42%) 30 435 (+23,8%) 45 494 (+33%)
Conversions - 70 (before the work, the goals were not set, so this is the starting point) 362 orders through the site's shopping cart
13 applications from the feedback form
867 orders through the site's shopping cart (+58.3%)
18 applications from the feedback form
At the end of 2018, Google Analytics introduced the ability to set goals for clicks on phone numbers:
124 clicks on number 095
105 - to 068
1323 orders from the site's shopping cart
9 applications from the feedback form
203 clicks on 095
169 to 068


In May 2021, the customer’s website is in the TOP-10 search results in Ukraine for 73% of requests, for some it is in first place in Google.

Findings. The main task from the customer for us, was to increase sales. We received the first results after the product cards were improved and technical issues were corrected. Conversions also increased with the growth of positions. It is also important that we managed to move to the stage of such trust, when the customer positively accepted our proposals and implemented them in the work. It is important! Thanks to this, we are going with stable growth: traffic grows by an average of 30% every year. This figure suits the customer - they are physically unable to process more orders.

P.S.: Before the start of work, the customer was sure that they had squeezed the maximum out of their site and it could not be better...

If you are also sure that your site works for 5+, order an audit and we will show that it can do more!

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We care about improving your sales :)

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