
Complex case: development and promotion of a multilingual website for a country hotel. Positioning for several target audience segments

Drevny Grad Hotel
The customer is the Drevny Grad Park Hotel, located a 15-minute drive from Lviv

This is a large country complex with rooms and cottages, a national-style restaurant, outdoor summer pools, and a park. And, most importantly, a huge untapped potential.

The old site categorically did not suit the customer. Therefore, he formulated the following tasks for SPRAVA digital specialists:
  • to develop a new website that will be more effective for the hotel and restaurant, as well as draw attention to the summer pool complex;
  • to develop a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy, including the contextual advertising organization in Google + SEO-promotion of the site.
  • to make the "Drevny Grad" a recognizable, popular holiday destination for a wide audience: transit travelers, families, groups.
  • to cover events in the restaurant (New Year, corporate parties) and introduce the events that have been and can be held in the country complex.

Site at the beginning of work: initial data and statistics

The site worked on the old wordpress version and didn’t have a modern and adaptive design. It contained several pages with weak content: small text and photo thumbnails. The structure of the site was traditional: about us, about the hotel, about the restaurant, two pages about events - holidays and conferences, and a page with contacts. No detuning from competitors, special USP.

Development of the original concept of the site

The idea came after several stormy and effective meetings.

Brainstorming was carried out together with the Marketing Director of Drevny Grad. As our experience shows, the coolest projects are obtained when we work together with the customer, deeply immerse ourselves in business processes, study all the nuances and features of the business. They met twice a week: the customer spoke in detail about the services, rooms, menus, his regular guests - everything. And SPRAVA generated ideas for the site. And here's what we came up with.

We took and gathered everyone who can become a guest of the Drevny Grad park hotel and divided everyone into the following groups:
  • Transit travelers are all who go to Lviv, Europe, the Carpathians.
  • Organizers of various events. And these are not only banquets: birthdays, christenings, washing of new positions, meetings of graduates, etc. These are corporate parties, engagements, photo shoots. In addition to the hotel: cottages, a log-house restaurant, gazebos - there are many locations for events. The places are totally Instagrammable and romantic.
  • Organizers of business events, meetings and events only. The idea is that every large company has trainings, meetings of leaders, and they are all looking for a location to hold such meetings. Many hotels are suitable for this purpose, but no one positions themselves that way. It is convenient and fast to get there, as if you are not far away, but already outside the city.
  • Families. The complex is located outside the city, but not so far to go. This means that you can spend time together in the fresh air. Because there is a park, a green area, outdoor pools for the warm season, paintball, archery, and a small zoo. The hotel is ideal for a country holiday for families where there are children of different ages - from toddlers to teenagers.
  • Wedding planners.
What was the idea:
to focus on the segments of the target audience,
and not on the hotel services

Usually the site is implemented like this - there are services, you click and a list opens: a banquet, an overnight stay, paintball, a pool, ATVs.

The new site of the Drevny Grad Park Hotel was designed in such a way that the visitor saw five previews by audience segments. And when you clicked on a certain preview, for example, "Family vacation in the country", information was opened with a full description of all the services of a country complex for this particular audience

This approach worked great. Each visitor identified himself with a certain segment of interests and quickly received all the necessary information. Transit travelers went to the “Road to Chop” page and looked at how far to go from Kyiv, what they meet along the way, what to look for, which sign to the hotel, why it is convenient for transit travelers to stay at this hotel.

Those who were looking for a place to celebrate an engagement, a birthday, a child’s christening, found the cost of a gazebo for a small company, it was also written what can be ordered on the spot, and what was allowed to take with you, what locations for a photo session are.

All services related to corporate events, training and business meetings for HR and event managers of companies are listed on the right page: conference service, equipment, receptions, organization of coffee breaks, territory for team-building quests, for team building.

We talked about the experience of the park hotel in holding such events for wedding planners. We made a gallery of wedding photos that have already been held there. Answered all possible questions.

Old nondescript photographs were removed from the site - they were either replaced or hidden in the gallery.

Total at the development stage:
  • developed the concept of presenting information on the site;
  • identified the strengths and weaknesses of the complex;
  • broke the product into parts “what we sell and in what months”
This is what the schedule for advertising campaigns looked like

All year round we sell the hotel for guests transiting to Europe and the Carpathians, as well as for those who want to relax near Lviv.

In autumn we focus on MICE (organization and holding of corporate events). Another direction of autumn is children's autumn holidays.

Spring and autumn are weddings.

Winter is the time for New Year's corporate parties and Christmas holidays.

  • divided potential guests into groups “through which channels we will attract which groups of audiences”
  • provided the customer with information on what materials are needed for which pages of the new site, the customer conducted a photo session based on this request;
  • based on the content plan, built strategy and provided materials, we developed a new website, where a landing page was made for each service.

Advertising campaigns

Separately, advertising campaigns were launched for each segment of the target audience according to the schedule mentioned above.

According to pre-agreed products for promotion, in close cooperation with the customer, landing pages were prepared in three language versions of the site. By the time the sales started, the content, translations, and advertising campaigns had already been verified. To ensure that relevant interested users go to landing pages of interest to them.

And the rest of the pages are standard - rooms, cottages, a restaurant, where the menu and photos of the interior are shown, people went to them a second time.

Remarketing and Display Network

A month after the launch of an active advertising campaign, we saw the first results - all promotional rooms in the hotel were booked.

Only after we set up a system of search advertisements, we began to connect the image advertising of the display network and remarketing.

Remarketing is the display of online advertising to users who visited the site at a certain time and / or performed a targeted action on it. You have probably come across it in your life — when you look at a product in an online store, and then ads from this store accompany you on other sites, in search engines and social networks. Involved advertising on competitors.

We made attractive banners
We needed to make sure that those who were looking for popular suburban complexes around Lviv saw an advertisement for the Drevny Grad park hotel. Because we analyzed the competitors and saw that no one has such a range of services as the customer.

What did you do when you launched an advertisement for the park-hotel "Drevny Grad"

Users who searched, for example, for Viking Bay by name, saw that there is such a suburban complex 15 minutes from Lviv. And his price tag is pleasant, and the services are varied for both children and adults, and the restaurant is one of the best in the Lviv region.

  • made a detailed launch schedule for all campaigns, taking into account seasonality, hotel offers for each group of potential guests;
  • checked the completeness and content correctness of the landing pages for each segment. On the pages of the site of the park-hotel, the guests had to find the answer to all the questions of potential guests.
  • set up correct conversion tracking in Google Analytics;
  • collected semantics for each campaign;
  • set up search campaigns and remarketing for each group.

SEO for the country hotel "Drevny Grad"

The second feature of this project is that the site has become multilingual. Main version: Ukrainian. Additionally, English, Polish and Russian language versions were added to the site. For the Ukrainian-speaking audience in Lviv and the region, requests were collected in Ukrainian and led to the corresponding landing pages of the Ukrainian language version. And for transit advertising campaigns, where the impressions were for Central and Eastern Ukraine, we took both Russian and Ukrainian search queries, and, depending on the language, the corresponding landing page was visible to the visitor.

And this is what happened after 6 months of work.

Positions in search engines:

1. Cluster for country rest - top 10 Google.com.ua

  • готель древній град
  • готель за містом львова
  • готель на околиці львова
  • готель поблизу львова
  • готель у львові за містом
  • древній град
  • заміський готель у львові

2. Cluster by transit guests - top 10 Google.com.ua

  • готель на трасі київ чоп
  • готель на трасі м-06
  • готель на трасі м-06 поблизу львова
  • де зупинитися на ніч по трасі київ-львів
  • де зупинитися на трасі київ-львів

3. Cluster of search queries for the restaurant in both Ukrainian and Russian language versions - top 10

  • ресторан древній град
  • ресторан древній град у львові
  • ресторан за містом львів
  • ресторан поблизу львова
  • ресторан у передмісті львова
  • ресторан в пригороде львова
  • ресторан древний град
  • ресторан древний град во львове
  • ресторан за городом во львове
  • ресторан за львовом

The total number of queries in the semantic core is 153 search queries

Total 40% of all search queries are in the top 10 Google.com.ua. Bounce rate is 6.13% according to Google analytics.
Thanks to the optimization of the Polish language version, transitions from the Polish language version have appeared.

What did you do to optimize the site?

  • in parallel, we finalized the site based on behavioral factors;
  • constantly worked with the loading speed of landing pages;
  • added new clusters on request to the work based on the questions that potential guests asked;
  • actively updated the content on the site according to the season;
  • the semantic core was completed for seo promotion, finalized based on the requirements of search engines;
  • created clusters with requests in Polish, English, Russian;


The hotel complex has a new modern and informative website with four language versions. An increase in the number of calls by phone, through forms on the website and from transit workers who immediately book at the counter, booking weddings in the complex is scheduled an average of 12 months in advance.

Attendance from search engines:
  • in June 2300
  • in July 3950
  • in august 4340

Traffic from advertising campaigns - 2200 users per month (August 2019).

Package offers, which are held in the complex, are sold on average for 10 days of advertising campaigns.

Conversions increased, for example, in August the number of clicks on the phone in the header of the site increased by 212, clicks on the “check availability” button increased to 607.
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