
SEO and Meta Ads for a rehabilitation center: 23% of queries in the top 10 in 4 months and 50+ conversions per month

Dzherelo Life
Getting to know the project

Promoting a medical-themed website is a challenging and specialized task that requires the use of various channels and the creation of an effective strategy. While working on the "Dzherelo Life" project, the Sprava Agency team achieved over 200 visitors from scratch and 50+ conversions per month.

Since the website was relatively new and the client was actively promoting services on social media, we decided to focus on targeted advertising and organic search. Here’s what we did and what we achieved in 4 months.

"Dzherelo Life" is a rehabilitation center offering a wide range of services in physical and neurorehabilitation, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and elderly care. Located in Odessa, the medical facility provides 24/7 medical supervision and full nutrition for patients. The center offers rehabilitation both in the hospital, outpatient, and at home with the necessary medical equipment.

Challenges and Goals of the Client

When the client approached us in October 2023, the center had been operating for a long time and was well-known in the city.

"Dzherelo Life" already had an Instagram profile and a Facebook business page. A content specialist was actively managing social media, posting regularly, and engaging with the audience.

The client had undergone rebranding and had a brand-new website but lacked a promotion strategy. In 2021–2022, only certain posts were promoted, and there were no comprehensive advertising campaigns to promote services.

Although there were some inquiries from search and social media, they were insufficient. The management wanted to utilize all possible channels to increase targeted traffic to the website and the number of inquiries.

The main tasks set by the client included:
  • Setting up Instagram ad campaigns, focusing on "physical rehabilitation" and "elderly care";
  • Providing recommendations for developing a content plan to boost engagement and enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Sprava Agency’s Promotion Plan

After conducting an audit, we proposed a comprehensive service package: SEO, contextual, and targeted advertising.

For search optimization, we planned to:
  • Increase the number of pages on the site (ideally to 200);
  • Get new pages indexed;
  • Improve usability;
  • Work on informational traffic.

Additionally, we aimed to boost trust in the doctors and the center overall.

For targeted advertising, our key tasks were to develop a promotion strategy based on audience and competitor research, provide recommendations for content adjustments and creation, and resolve technical issues.

What We Did

SEO Efforts Included:

  • Listing priority services and creating optimized pages for them. We developed a content plan, wrote texts, and translated them for different language versions;
  • Enhancing usability. We introduced a unified template for landing pages and completely revamped the site’s header.
Before improvements, the service page looked like this.

The website page before processing the usability of the site

You can see the updated page here.

As a result, we created 18 new pages for one language version and 55 in total after 4 months. We ensured new pages were indexed and corrected errors. The landing pages became more informative and engaging, thus more conversion-friendly. Every step was coordinated with the client’s team.

SMM and Targeted Advertising Efforts Included:
  • Identifying strategic directions (physical rehabilitation and elderly care), competitive advantages, and monthly advertising budget;
  • Auditing and refining social media accounts. We provided detailed recommendations for content creation, including formats, themes, posting times, various tactics, and audience engagement tools. Before launching ads, we set up Meta (Facebook) Business Manager, added company information, verified the domain, installed the pixel, and linked profiles to the ad account and payment card.
Developing the Instagram Promotion Strategy Included:
  • Segmenting the target audience by specific directions to create precise offers and effective ads;
  • Analyzing competitors and identifying the rehabilitation center's advantages.
02 & 03
As part of the strategy, which was agreed with the client down to the smallest detail, various advertising creatives were developed - static and video banners. The company's brandbook, corporate fonts and colors were used in their creation.
04 & 05
We used the “Leads” advertising objective. By clicking on the ad, users would land on a relevant page and perform a conversion action. After evaluating the campaign effectiveness in December, we decided to test new banners. In January, we adjusted Instagram and Facebook ads in agreement with the client. This increased the click-through rate (CTR), website visits, and most importantly, the number of inquiries.
Promotion Results: Targeted Ads + SEO

Targeted advertising started in November. Here’s a comparison of results from the first month and January.

Metric Results
November 2023 January 2024
Conversion Form Submissions on Website 7 19
Calls 1 7
Direct Messages 11 8
Messenger Inquiries 1 1
Other performance metrics Reach, User Count 20 756 40 381
Website Visits 617 1739
Clicks 908 3608
CTR, % 1,45 1,69
Instagram Engagement Interactions (likes, follows, replies, link clicks) 4204 11 162
Comments 1 19 (including inquiries from potential clients)
Post Reactions 147 351
Post Saves 13 22
Post Shares 10 32

Conversions tracked by Meta can be seen in the screenshots.

November 2023.

January 2024.

We also compared Instagram engagement metrics as reported by Meta's advertising dashboard.

Novembe 2023.

January 2024.
Звіт по приросту кількості підписників у FB та в Instagram
Growth in followers on Facebook and Instagram is clearly shown in the Meta Business Suite statistics from November to January.
Графік зростання кількості підписників на профіль в Instagram
Instagram follower growth is illustrated in the graph.
статистика відвідування соцмереж
Here’s the social media visit statistics from November to January according to Meta Business Suite.
звіт по зросту органічного трафіку сайта

Our social media efforts increased website traffic by 48%. The Google Analytics data is shown in the screenshot.

The "Dzherelo Life" website now has 23% of queries in the TOP-10, with consistent search traffic of 200+ users and 10+ conversions per month. In just 4 months, we achieved excellent results!

Kateryna Zheleznyak

Project Manager
Sprava Agency


At the start, the domain was only 6 months old, with 8 pages indexed and only a Ukrainian version. Information about priority services was in blocks on a general page, which made it hard to promote them fully.

Working closely with the SMM manager and the center’s owner, we quickly executed our recommendations and technical assignments, leading to great results. The project still has untapped potential. We’re working on an English version, adding important patient information, and planning to develop a blog. Our main goal is to get all priority service pages into the TOP-10.

Natalia Korsun

SEO Specialist
Sprava Agency


Medical websites fall under YMYL (Your Money Your Life), so Google has strict requirements. E-E-A-T factors significantly impact promotion, meaning articles on rehabilitation methods must be expert-level.

That’s why specialists at the center wrote the texts, which we then optimized for SEO before getting client approval. The main challenge was slow page indexing due to Google’s lack of trust in a new site. Thus, we decided that initial traffic would primarily come from contextual and targeted ads.

Oleksandra Zheleznyak

Meta Ads Specialist
Sprava Agency


Advertising medical services is tough due to high competition and niche specifics. We identified key directions at the project’s start. Working with "Dzherelo Life," we tested various strategies, created numerous static and video creatives, and wrote ad copy. Quick feedback from the client and their readiness to implement new ideas allowed us to optimize campaigns and find effective solutions for the project's ongoing development.

Let's summarize our work on the project

Promoting medical services through social media requires a comprehensive approach, experienced specialists, and a willingness to experiment. If you’re struggling with website and social media promotion, contact us. The Sprava Agency team will help you find the best solution for any niche.

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