
How to find the highest converting service among plenty of others, and, therefore, provide a record number of requests

Usenko Lawyer

Based on an example of campaigns in Google Ads for legal services

Customer is a law firm providing legal and lawyer services for individuals in terms of criminal, family, administrative, residential, civil, military, and migration law:

  • Legal advice
  • Assistance in preparation of lawsuits and claims
  • Representation in court
  • Appeals
  • Complex management of legal cases
  • Assistance in securing compensation for legal fees
  • etc

The client asked us to optimize Google Ads' existing advertising campaigns. The main goal was to get as many requests from the website as possible, to minimize the costs of advertising campaigns and conversion costs.

Before the start of our cooperation,
the client had the following campaigns
set up:
  • Campaign on general requests like a lawyer, attorney

There was just one ad group for the entire campaign, and all the keywords were in one group (it’s crucial to cluster keywords into several groups and create unique ads for each of them accordingly). Few negative keywords were in the campaign, which led to non-target keywords impressions and budget waste.

And only one adaptive ad was made for all these key requests.

Also, the ad wasn’t supplied with all extensions: - 2 additional links (it has to be a minimum of 4), no structured description, and only two clarifications were made (a minimum of 6 is required). The campaign included: images, telephone, and address.

The strategy of maximum convertibility was set, and the target cost per conversion was 100 UAH.

Analysis of the previous month's data before the start of work (period of a week):

  • Clicks - 186
  • Impressions - 1015
  • CTR - 18,33%
  • Average cost per click - 24,15 UAH
  • Cost - 4492,10 UAH
  • Conversions - 17
  • Cost per one conversion - 264,24 UAH
  • Conversion rate - 9,14 %
Assistance with migration issues (obtaining a residence permit, Ukrainian citizenship for foreigners)
How we managed the campaigns

There was just one ad group for the entire campaign, and all the keywords were in one group.

There were no negative keywords at all in the campaign which led to impressions on non-target requests.

Also, an adaptive ad with the status “unsatisfactory” was set up.

Not all extensions were set up for ads. Only 2 additional links (it has to be a minimum of 4), no structured description, and no clarifications.

The phone number and address were added.

Ads should be filled with information to the max so that they would be the most detailed and encouraging. The better the ad, the higher the quality, and the more users will see it. 

The maximum clicks strategy was implemented.

Analysis of the previous month's data before the start of work (period of a week):

  • Clicks - 113
  • Impressions - 870
  • CTR - 12,99%
  • Average cost per click - 13,16 UAH
  • Cost - 1487, 24 UAH
  • Conversions - 13
  • Cost per conversion - 114,40 UAH
  • Conversion rate - 11,50%

Our goal was to decrease the ad campaign budget and raise conversion simultaneously. Therefore we’ve worked thoroughly on negative keywords. And when the stats was enough, we collected conversion requests only and launched a separate ad campaign with these requests. Due to this work, we gained maximum conversion within the whole period of displaying ads.

Campaign on general requests like a lawyer, attorney We’ve stopped the customer’s existing campaign, and created a new one based on the previous data.
How our actions influenced the results

We’ve collected all keywords and search terms with successful performance over the past year, and divided them into separate groups.

We’ve added negative keywords.

Also, we’ve created a unique ad for each group.

We have added the following extensions:
  • 4 additional links with description
  • 6 clarifications
  • Structured description
  • Phone number
  • Address

We’ve also chosen a manual bidding strategy.

Data analysis for the week (1st month of work):
  • Clicks - 167
  • Impressions - 800
  • CTR - 20,88%
  • Cost - 2139,68 UAH
  • Conversions - 21
  • Cost per one conversion - 99,99 UAH
  • Conversion rate - 12,81%
Assistance with migration issues (obtaining a residence permit, Ukrainian citizenship for foreigners)
Results achieved compared to the previous campaign:
  • cost per click reduced twice
  • increased conversion for less money
  • conversion cost decreased by 2,5 times
  • conversion rate increased by 40%

We’ve stopped the customer’s existing campaign, and created a new one based on the previous data.

We’ve collected all up-to-date keywords and divided them into separate groups.

While collecting keywords we’ve also worked on negative ones.

Also, we’ve created a unique adaptive ad for each group.

The following extensions have been added:
  • 4 additional links with descriptions
  • 6 clarifications
  • structured description
  • phone number
  • address

And we chose the manual bidding strategy.

Final results

During the two weeks each day, we’ve been checking and cleaning traffic, and removing non-target keywords so that the ad was displayed only by the target keywords.

Once we’ve collected enough stats, only high-performance keywords remained.

We have adjusted the working key phrases to the exact ratio.

Data analysis for the week (1st month of work):
  • Clicks - 719
  • Impressions - 4947
  • CTR - 14,53%
  • Average cost per click - 6,44 UAH
  • Cost - 4628,62 UAH
  • Cost per one conversion - 116,69 UAH
  • Conversion rate - 5,52%

Results achieved compared to the previous campaign:

  • cost per click reduced twice
  • CTR increased
  • conversion raised three times
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