
+67% in the TOP for the first year of promotion! Let's talk about what has been done

Kyiv Style
Facade Equipment

About the customer

Business profile: sales and installation services for sun protection products for apartments, houses, shops, etc.

Production of roller blinds, Roman blinds, day-night blinds, awnings, protective, as well as transparent polycarbonate roller blinds, etc.

  • bringing the site to the TOP-10 for key queries in the main areas: roller blinds, awnings, transparent roller shutters and their varieties;
  • brand promotion;
  • increase in traffic to the site;
  • increase in the number of hits and orders from the site.

What we have at the beginning of work

01 Outdated design
02 Lack of an adaptive version (the one that users see when they access the site from phones and tablets)
03 Site positions in search engines: 10% (semantic core - 59 queries)
04 Website traffic: 170 users per month, 151 from search engines
05 Behavioral factors: visits - 190, page views - 516.

What was done?

01 A set of works on SEO-promotion of the site at the start: collection and clustering of the semantic core, work on optimizing the site for a new semantic core, fixing errors, etc.
02 Monthly - work on optimizing landing and non-landing pages
03 Regular work on the link weight of the site
04 In May 2019, a new website was developed on a new admin panel with a modern design, adaptive for different mobile devices.
05 Optimized landing page loading speed
06 Installed a security certificate (one of the important ranking factors)
A question-answer block has been introduced on service pages with output to the search snippet


Appearance after redesign

The customer's old site did not meet the basic requirements of usability, that is, it was not user-friendly and did not contribute to keeping him on the site ... and even more so - to persuade him to make a purchase decision. Therefore, together with the customer, it was decided to update the site, to make it not only modern externally, understandable internally (for the work of managers), but also convenient for guests.

Below in the image on the left you see how the main page of the site looked on personal computers and laptops before cooperation with our company.

In addition, we have added those blocks and tools that have a good effect on sales: reviews from other buyers, a convenient and simple feedback form, licenses and certificates confirming the qualifications of the seller, logos of partner companies, a map with the location of the store and a company card on Google My Business (what advantages it gives, they wrote here), messengers were added so that it would be convenient for users to contact the manager through any of the popular methods, etc.

Google Analytics

It is clearly seen from these analytics systems that the number of site visitors from mobile devices in April 2019 accounted for almost half of all traffic - 48%!

  In the table on the left (this is a screenshot from the Google Analytics account), this is the top line - Mobile. Accordingly, Desktop is the number of users from a PC, and Tablet is from tablets.

Therefore, the development of a new adaptive site was critically important! In order not only to increase the number of visitors to the site, but also, at a minimum, to keep the existing

Positions in search engines

Before work began, only 10% of the 59 queries that could lead to the site of the target user were shown on the first page of search engines. In two years of work, we have increased the list of queries to 98, and the percentage in the TOP today (October 2021) is 87%

Website traffic increased eightfold

At the start of cooperation, an average of 170 users visited the site per month (data from April 2019), a year later this figure increased to 835 users (+391%), in 2021 - 1509 (+787%).

Of these, there were 138 clicks from search engines in April 2019, already 657 (+376%) in 2020, and 1016 (+636%) in 2021.

Behavioral factors

The number of visits* increased from 189 to 1,773, the number of pages viewed also increased from 511 to 4,008. That is, site visitors became more willing and more interested in browsing the site.

*this parameter differs from users in that the same visitor can visit the site several times - these several times will be counted as several visits.

Display in search
We have also worked on the display of pages in search results so that our site becomes more visible and attractive for those potential buyers who are looking for information in search engines.


Thanks to such an extended snippet, the site “enters into a dialogue” with a potential buyer long before he gets to the resource itself.

In our case, due to the fact that the customer promptly coordinated the work on creating a new site, already in the first six months after the redesign, we received an increase in positions from 10 to 56%, in another six months - + 20%.

And, in general, systematic work gave excellent results and allowed us to achieve our goals:
  • site in the TOP-10 for key queries of the main areas; 
  • attendance increased eightfold; 
  • increased the number of hits and orders from the site.
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