
How to attract customers in different areas of business: 25 working ways

Natalia Protsiuk
CEO of Sprava Agency
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Actually no magic. The SPRAVA specialists delve into client projects so persistently that the collected tricks, stories, methods and various multi-steps are enough for a whole book.

"So why not write!" We decided and got down to business. Let's give an example of how we collected customer experience from those for whom we worked by creating websites and promoting them.

Our specialization: online store websites for the sale of goods, promotion of services, sites in the medical field, as well as sites for the tourism business. If we talk about hotels, clinics and services, then we noticed such a pattern that where customer dossiers are kept, there are amazing results in terms of loyalty and reviews.

What information can be collected?

  • Hotels. About favorite dishes, products, services, habits and preferences. If a client comes to you for the third time and you offer everything he loves and needs, then there will definitely be a response. Both the review and the hot recommendations, the same “word of mouth” that works best.
  • Clinics. What doctors did he visit, how long ago he had checkup, is it not time to remind him about the visit, tests, preventive examination.
  • For services and goods. What exactly did he buy, how long has he been using the services, does he open letters, what can be offered, resold, is it time to include in a special loyalty program.

We can offer the following scheme of work with clients. To be honest, we ourselves adhere to the same classification and principles of interaction:

customer service plan

Ways to attract customers

Consider how you can attract customers. Let's do this: you note what you have already implemented, and what can be implemented immediately after reading the article. Deal?

1. Handout: leaflets, flyers, posters

The good old way works well for local businesses. Organize an advertising campaign and invite promoters to distribute leaflets on the streets, in shopping centers and other crowded places. The leaflet indicates the name of the brand and the essence of the promotion or special offer. The more attractive your offer, the higher the probability of a spontaneous purchase.

When it works:

  • For example, you have opened a new point (trade or service);
  • a new service has appeared;
  • sale of goods after the end of the season

and so on.

2. Attracting customers through advertising in search engines

If you need to quickly attract customers, increase sales, then there is no better and faster contextual advertising in search engines. The advantage is speed. There are two "But!":

  1. Your site must be ready for an advertising campaign. If you are promoting a certain brand of phone, car, any product or service, then prepare an appropriate landing page. Never lead people to the main page or another page. Then, when switching from an advertisement, a site visitor will not be disappointed and will quickly become a buyer.
  2. Ads will run until you run out of budget. Therefore, SPRAVA experts always advise connecting several channels to attract customers. There is strength in synergy!

Katerina Gospod

at Sprava Agency


“Our customer, the bliss hotel, set the task of selling the rooms on New Year's Eve. In order for users who came from contextual advertising to want to book a room on the site, on one page it was necessary to answer the most basic questions, clearly and concisely present information. After all, an opinion about the site is formed in the first 5 seconds of visiting the page. To do this, we created a separate landing page and, taking the place of a user who is looking for where to celebrate the New Year, we compiled a list of questions:

  • What do they offer me on New Year's Eve (program)?
  • How much does it cost?
  • What additional services/entertainment there are in the complex?
  • What will I eat in the New Year celebration(menu)?
  • Where will I live (rooms) and how to book them?

This approach made it possible to quickly interest the user and sell him the idea of celebrating the New Year in our customer's hotel room. When contextual advertising was launched, the calls went in a day later. ”

3. Calls to "cold" buyers

You will be surprised, but this method still works. Where can I get the base of phones? If you have a local business, then try to search in business directories, social networks and collect your contact database. Come up with a working conversation script. And just act.

4. Cool service

Recall the scary story that scares marketers:

a scary story that scares marketers

The bottom line is that a great product, thoughtful exclusive service, great website, content, advertising budget must be accompanied by excellent service. Otherwise, you will simply lose a client already at the stage of purchase: when a responsible manager answers him in the wrong way, gets rude or ignores him. We will definitely talk about the service, but for now, we advise you to check how your chat on the site, call service, and managers work. Just in case.

5. Effective Unique Selling Proposition

Specialists from SPRAVA are sure that the creation of a USP, although sometimes difficult but quite possible. Here are some schemes that work effectively, in our opinion:

3 handy shapes mules for compiling USP

An important nuance is that your difference should bring a specific, significant benefit to the client. Are you familiar with the words "high quality", "good service", "flexible conditions"? So, this is not a USP. The benefit of your customers in the USP must be measurable.

Without saying too much, let's convince you to create your own USP with the help of examples:

Good Bad
You will get a fresh hot pizza in 30 minutes or for free. Great selection of pizzas and rolls at low prices.

Chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

Food like at home. Shop for the little ones.

Belgian and German couverture chocolate wholesale and retail!
450 certified Amway products with 365 days warranty. Delivery within 24 hours. Detergents and other household chemicals.

Not a single product contains flavors and dyes, only natural vegetable oils, powders, extracts.

A modern premium face care system from Japanese manufacturers.

Care cosmetics for the face.

Exceptionally professional cosmetics for the face.

USP (as well as positioning) can always be used in the design of business cards, on the clothes of employees, on billboards and other media - yes, in any kind of advertising message, and it does not lose its relevance. Therefore, USP is not a promotion or an offer.

Look for it and find it. It is important.

6.Where are you aiming?

There are no lazy people. There are goals that do not inspire.

Tony Robbins, American entrepreneur and bestselling self-development author

You can not open a studio, a snack bar, a furniture manufacturing workshop without a clear idea about your purpose. For restaurateurs, such a goal can be a crowd of hungry people, for example. Find your market and come up with an idea for a business.

Think of goal setting in reverse. There is a problem of negative goal setting. When a person wants not to come to something, but to get away from problems.

But the task of defining the purpose of your business is different from the overall task of the business. For a person engaged in business, this general goal of business, as a type of activity, must be tied to his own interests and motives, otherwise it turns out that he is not engaged in his own business, but in some business in general, and after a while begins to feel like " zombie", a robot, a slave to his work.

Remember that goals are dreams with deadlines.

7. Substantiation of your statements

Confirm all your claims with evidence. Otherwise, customers will not trust you.

What could it be?

To demonstrate a good product you have to use video. To confirm a high-quality service you have to use reviews. All kinds of certificates, licenses are very suitable. To confirm the quality of the product, tell customers about its composition, manufacturer and why you are not afraid to give a guarantee.

Moreover, with each update, Google also increases the requirements for trust, the quality of information, the availability of facts, documents confirming expertise, etc. Be sure to check out the latest update for assessors.

Some types of pages describe topics that may affect the well-being, health, financial stability or safety of users. Such pages are called Your Money or Your Life (YMYL, wallet or life).

For YMYL pages, Google applies the highest quality rating standards.

Example YMYL pages - news, current events (except entertainment and sports), pages about civics and laws, legal issues, financial advice, information about investments, taxes, pensions, loans, banking transactions. Information about purchases or services. Pages about health and safety. Can be considered as YMYL pages, fitness and nutrition websites, information about housing, choosing an educational institution, about vacancies.

8. There is no second chance to make a good first impression

All components of your business should form an image, in the center of which is your caring for the client. For an offline business, these are endless, so-called "little things", without which you will not pave the way to the client's heart.

For a b2b site, these are the logos of your customers, those who have already chosen you, with whom you have successfully collaborated.

For an offline hotel, these are flowers in the room, delicious breakfasts, polite administrators, cordiality, willingness to help in all problems. Online, it's a well thought out site, with real photos, clear information, quick feedback and booking options. And returning to the beginning of the article - the customer base with which you have to work.

For a private offline clinic, this means convenient parking lots, water in coolers, children's corners, and the ability to make an appointment in all convenient ways: on the website, via chat in the messenger, by phone. SMS reminders of visits and procedures for patients.

This is a thoughtful functionality of the site, detailed descriptions of services, texts written by doctors, where each letter corresponds to the truth. It is also very important to adequately represent all specialists, because half of the users sign up for specific doctors, and this opportunity should not be missed.

And on your website, you need to make the best first impression. You have time for this from 3 to 5 seconds. Help the client to choose, explain how to use, tell about the benefits. Make it easy to ask a question, compare, see the color, size, discount in the basket.

Customer care pays off. Bright examples:

making a first impression with content special hotel offer

9. Media

There is a good, but not so easy way to get into the media with free publication and become an expert. Do research. Press releases with stories about the next anniversary of your company are not interesting. And research, yes. Moreover, the effect of such publications is viral.

Here are some examples of industry research:

  • Analysis of the medical services market.
  • Marketing review of the car market.
  • Analysis of baby food manufacturers.
  • Research of the market of bio preparations for plant protection.
  • Analysis of demand in the real estate segment.

What else can hit the media?

A good competent case, with a description of the problem and all possible solutions. Business longreads and stories work well too. Only if this is not a victory anthem, but a real story, with ups and downs.

Competent, hype, high-profile promotions also attract the attention of the public. Here is a bright example: 740 likes, 74 shares, 126 comments. Here is a cool advertising campaign that is already in the media.

high-profile promotion that attracts attention

Hamburger chain Burger King stopped sales of its most popular burger, the Whopper, for a day to support rival McDonald's, where during that day a part of ıncome from Big Mac sales will go to the treatment of childhood cancer.

10. Permanent changes

Regularly update the line of goods and services, control market trends, do not forget to follow the holidays and important dates, please customers with fun and pleasant promotions. Joking (of course, when it is appropriate). Let there be more "human pixel" in your business. Like here:

Constant changes and control of market trend

Alya Gorelikova

Head of Key Projects Department
at Sprava Agency


“It was necessary to attract vacationers to the Drevniy Grad hotel, and that they book rooms for 6-7 days. The problem was solved like this:

  • We created a separate page where we told what you can do in a hotel which is in 15 minutes drive from Lviv, and also showed what events will be held in Lviv during this period of time.
  • On the pages "Home", "Rest with children", "Out-of-town rest" a banner with a promotion was placed for those who book certain rooms and cottages for a period of 6 days or more.
  • We optimized this page for search queries in the organic search of google.com.ua.
  • Created several advertising campaigns for users who drive past the hotel, looking for where to stay, for those who are looking for a vacation near Lviv, and for those who want to relax in Lviv.

Efficiency: all the rooms and cottages that participated in the promotion were sold during the week of the advertising campaign.

11. Increasing customer value

It's simple: treat the customer the way you want to be treated. It is important for everyone to feel their own value, especially for clients. Show your customers that each of them is important to you. All your employees should be polite and grateful. Handle complaints promptly. Don't come up with complicated rules. Let communication with your brand not be like a quest.

Sounds like advice from Captain Obvious?

Hotels of a hotel chain in the United States offer customers the opportunity to go to the site and decide on a suitable pleasant trifle. You can choose for yourself a fitness kit, a delicious cupcake, a golf stick, etc.

12. Showcase

This point can be attributed to the first impression.

Design your store in such a way as to attract the attention of customers: both offline and online. Place at the entrance (on the first screen) information about promotions and special offers. Take in attention the time of year and holidays.

first impression of the store placement at the entrance (on the first screen) information about promotions and special offers

Insta-zones work well for offline service and sale points.

13. Gifts for regular customers

Extending the life cycle of a customer is, first of all, reducing your costs of attracting new customers. This is also the launch of word of mouth, when loyal customers do not get tired of recommending you. Therefore, give gifts, create loyalty programs, compose personal mailing lists, give bonuses, be generous with promotions for the very best. Think about how you can please your customers.

Come to the dark side, we give discount


Cold Warm Hot

- Do you have any discounts?

- We don't have discounts.

- I go to competitors!

- Mmmm... I'll give you my personal 5% discount, but just don't tell anyone about it!

- Do you have any discounts?

- Yes, you get a 5% discount on purchases over UAH 3,000.

- Great, I'll take it!

- Will you give me a discount?

- Of course. Moreover, the more you buy from us, the more you have a discount. When buying for 3,000 hryvnias, you will receive a 5% discount, and when buying for 7,000 hryvnias, your discount grows to 10%.

If you do not have a loyalty program for customers, it's time to break the system and start it immediately after reading the article.

4. Collaboration with partners

Few people do this, although the benefits are obvious. First you need to find partners who would not be your competitors, but so that your target audience matches:

  1. Write a list of businesses whose services/products your audience uses. For example, fitness clubs and barbershops (beauty salons) have the same target audience. For hoteliers, a great audience is on portals for parents, modern urban media. For those who sell building materials and interior items, cooperation with designers and real estate developers is suitable.
  2. From this list, select potential partners. Important! You must be comparable to your future partner in terms of audience size so that the benefits of working with you are obvious.
  3. Check the reputation of potential partners. Google about it, study reviews in search engines, social networks, forums, conduct a survey of acquaintances.

How can you cooperate? Conduct joint promotions, place business cards and promotional products of a partner on your territory, make partner mailings on your base, organize joint events and activities on social networks, shoot stories and live broadcasts, come up with collaborations.

15. Promotion in social networks

Now everyone is interested in social networks - from pioneers to pensioners. Among such a large and diverse audience, you need to clearly identify your target audience and work with it for brand recognition, reputation and sales.

The good thing is that on social networks it is possible to reach a specific segment of the audience with your advertising message. For example, you can sell dumplings to men and women in different ways:

“Tasty, like mom's” and “These dumplings are safe to give even to children” - do you feel the difference?

You can narrow the audience, for example like this: women 25-30 years old who work in a certain area of ​​a big city.

16. Advertising on street stands and billboards

The classic method of street advertising, which has not yet become obsolete.

Important! Now you can add an Insta business card or a QR code of your site so that a passing but interested person can instantly get to your resource.

Don’t forget: place the call to go to the social network in a prominent place and write a clear CTA: “Follow my Instagram and get a 5% discount”, “Take a picture in our shoes, send a photo to Instagram and get your loyalty program for the next 10 purchases.” Well, something like that. Not just a social media icon: why go there, what to do there and what is profitable.

17. SEO promotion

If you explain what SEO is to your grandfather, then we can say that these are methods that allow the search engine to love and rank your site highly.

Search engine optimization (which is what SEO is) really "gets" you a stream of customers (which can potentially become permanent), builds your online reputation, and gets you closer to becoming number one in your niche. From the outside, everything looks simple or at least feasible: preparing the site, compiling the semantic core, implementing SEO keys on the site pages, generating inner anchor links and external promotion.

Here are 6 reasons for a big and bright love for search engine optimization:

  1. This is a great working tool. We confirm this every day in our work with clients and our cases.
  2. Even if voice search becomes popular, it's still search engine optimization. SEO is for the long haul.
  3. Profitable. The cost of optimizing the site pays off perfectly (especially compared to other methods of promotion on the Internet).
  4. Optimizing websites for mobile devices greatly increases the effectiveness of SEO.
  5. Do you care about the online reputation of your business? Then you can not do without optimization. Search engines are changing the rules of the game, adding new ranking factors. Therefore, unoptimized legacy texts will not help you.
  6. Regional (local) SEO is becoming more and more relevant. This is especially important if you have an offline point.

We have several interesting cases regarding site work in the context of search engine optimization.

Case: SEO for an online store of hairdressing equipment

Case: turning a seasonal hotel into a year-round complex


Trust always affects speed and cost. When your credibility is high, things can move much faster and at a lower cost. This is a kind of investment - only in trust. If you are not trusted, you can talk about a trust tax. That is why it is more than just a good social asset. It is an intangible asset of your business.

Stephen Covey, American leadership, life management consultant, teacher and organizational management consultant, author

Yes, it's about the good old “word of mouth” (the correct term is referral marketing). Online consumer opinion and media articles are also forms of referral marketing. The principle of attracting customers through recommendations works well in any business niche.

Main types of referral channels:

  • Friends and family.
  • News.
  • Reviews and customer reviews on sites.
  • Opinion of influential people (bloggers, famous media people).
  • Recommendations.

An example of good work with referral marketing:

The Harry's team set up a referral marketing campaign on the pre-launch version of their site's landing page. People were asked to repost the page on Facebook or Twitter. In return, they received shaving products for free. So the company was able to attract a large audience, and its team grew to 40 people.

Remember who was the last person you recommended and why? In order for customers to recommend your company, you need to ask them about it and do not forget to thank them.

Trust in advertising has declined. That is why the recommendations of the so-called influencers (bloggers who influence their audience) are now working very well. Do you work with bloggers? Do you know influencers in your niche? Then think about such an advertising channel. But in order to be recommended, you need to inspire trust and maintain your reputation.

Trust can be earned by keeping your promises. This applies to the obvious: timely delivery, payment of bills and fulfillment of obligations, honest marketing messages, attentive service and respect.

Trust can be lost by making false promises. Check if all your advertising messages are confirmed, justified and real.

19. Industry exhibitions: networking, brand awareness, reputation

At industry exhibitions, you can meet three categories of people you are interested in at once: potential clients, partners and investors. So such events should not be ignored. It is very important to be adequately presented and stock up on “visual propaganda”: catalogs, training manuals, commercial offers that will be designed as a small booklet, business cards.

Develop a special promotion for the event.

Communicate, talk about your brand. If possible, show video business cards, show trial products. Exchange contacts, keep an eye on your competitors. If you don’t perceive such events as a hard duty, but as an opportunity for reconnaissance in battle, then it definitely won’t be boring.

21. Trading platforms on the Internet

These are marketplaces and price aggregators. A good help for those who sell physical goods on the Internet.

Your main platform, your base has always been and will be your own website. Extraneous platforms appear, disappear, change the rules. Therefore, they should only be used as an additional tool. Why, see the table below.

Price aggregators are Internet resources (sites) that place product offers of many advertisers from the e-commerce area. Usually, price aggregators have a good internal search system for the best offer, where each user sets flexible parameters (brand, model, brand, screen size, etc.). Such sites are becoming more and more popular, because searching for the right product on the Internet has become tedious. And here everything is for comparing prices / characteristics / delivery conditions on one screen.

  1. Price aggregator Price.ua
  2. Hotline.ua
  3. Ek.ua
  4. Ava.ua
  5. Vcene.ua
  6. M.ua
  7. Sravni.ua
  8. Technoportal.ua
  9. Freemarket.ua
  10. Pokupaj.com.ua
  11. Qp.ua
  12. Ukrshops.com.ua
  13. Metamarket.ua
  14. Nadavi.net

A marketplace is an online trading platform that is a link, an intermediary between a buyer and a merchant. The main goal of such a platform is to simplify the interaction between the seller of goods / services and a potential client.

On the basis of the marketplace, such a Chinese giant as Alibaba, Airbnb's accommodation booking service, operates:

  1. Rozetka
  2. Prom.ua
  3. Bigl.ua
  4. UB.ua
  5. Shafa.ua
  6. Eda.ua
  7. Tabletki.ua
  8. Crafta.ua
  9. Skidka.ua
  10. ПриватМаркет
  11. Kabanchik.ua (services)
  12. Busfor.ua (transport tickets)
  13. zakupka.com is a marketplace with over 3 million traffic, according to Spymetrics. 
Pros for business Cons
  1. Price aggregators and marketplaces are visited by users who want to buy. Here you need to describe not the advantages of the goods, but the convenience and benefits of buying on your site.
  2. Visitors visit intermediary sites more often, because their positions in the search are higher. So you have the opportunity to get hot leads.
  3. Terms of cooperation. As a rule, the profitability of placing your offers on third-party sites is high.
  4. Additional source of targeted traffic.
  5. Additional advertising channel.
  6. A large number of leads, and therefore purchases.
  7. Interaction with the audience through a third-party platform.
  8. The ability to collect honest feedback and work on shortcomings. This will help you gain the trust of your audience.
  9. Simple and affordable functionality that allows you to work with price aggregators without the involvement of third-party workers.
  10. Minimum start up costs.
  11. Formation at an adequate competitive price.
  1. Mandatory registration of price lists of goods in XML.
  2. The need to adjust the price for competitors.
  3. Dealing with reviews can be difficult.

22. TV and radio advertising

If your customers spend a lot of time driving, or vice versa - sitting at home watching TV, then you should try this type of advertising.

23. UX - how much is in this sound

We can talk for hours about how perception tricks affect conversion. Or make short cases for your own blog. For example, in this article we tell (and show with an example) how, with a little work on usability, we can reduce the bounce rate and increase traffic to individual pages:

perception tricks affect conversion

Read full article

24. Feedback and polls on electronic codes

Instead of a thousand words, we will show a visual way to find out what customers think about you. You can also attach promotional codes to the QR code for discounts when buying online if you want to attract buyers at a physical point to your site.

Reviews and surveys by electronic codes

Through the code you get to the questionnaire in the cafe

25. Cool content

Recently, a client asked something like this: “...Well, where else can I use this landing page? For promotional purposes only?

Not only. Feel free to transfer convincing techniques and examples from the landing page to the dialogues of sales managers. Cut your landing page into posts for Instagram right in the carousel. Use the main slogan and offer as an email signature. Make a short commercial offer for the mailing list with a link to this landing page.

And so with each piece of content. If you can't compete with prices, stand out more boldly with great content. Yes it is hard. You can’t just dump everything on the  copywriter and leave. Your involvement, your expertise is the key to success. Just work together on the brand's content strategy and on each article.

Tatyana Zhevega

Head of SEO Department
at Sprava Agency


“Let's take an example. We had a client who sold expensive parquet, parquet care products and offered parquet laying and terrace finishing services. The team from the store became so skilled that they simply chose the right materials for each type of parquet without looking. The SMM specialist simply went to the site and filmed several videos about how the team works. Then he talked to the workers and recorded the conversation on a dictaphone. As a result, several videos appeared on the store's website blog, tips from experts (their own workers), which were framed as tie-ins to articles. These tips were used in a mailing list for clients. On Instagram, designed like posters in a carousel. Several articles have been written about the properties of parquet and the correct laying technology. It's just that both the business owner and his employees were very involved.

Here is the case, of how the customer took an active part in creating content attracted its own specialists who interacted with copywriters. Spoiler – happy ending, traffic from organic increased by 111%

And we will not give banal advice about content optimization here. Just do it. Nobody knows your business better than you.

Natalia Protsiuk
CEO of Sprava Agency
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