SEO Tips

Why you should not trust online sales to different contractors

Alya Horelikova
CMO of Sprava Agency
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“If you think that competence is expensive,
try incompetence - it will cost much more”

@some wise person

Let me guess: are you an entrepreneur or business owner? Or maybe a marketer? Or the same employee of a small company who was entrusted with the "sacred" - sales ... In any case, if you are here, then you probably know that the main pain in any field is the search for specialists who can be trusted. We will share our experience with you and hopefully be useful.

Let's start with a little interactive :) Choose from the proposed benefits those that you have and can use to develop your business:

  1. big heritage ;)
  2. lack of competitors
  3. exclusive product at the best price on the market
  4. competent specialists and an integrated approach

If you confidently chose the first three options, CONGRATULATIONS, you are a rare lucky one! And, in principle, you don’t have to read this article further. Well, if you’ve thought about the latter one even for a second, pour some tea and make yourself comfortable…

One cannot disagree, we all love it when we are provided with services by GREAT specialists. And it doesn't matter if it's a hairdresser, a dentist or a lawyer. But after working with such for some time, you already know in advance that once again after the visit you will be satisfied with the excellent quality. Plus, the deadlines will be met. And how many nerve cells will remain intact!.. Only a neurologist knows.

So, we have decided: important tasks (and what can be more important than your business?) are best left to professionals.

Ready team or freelance specialists?

Imagine the situation: you decide to build a house. You can do this in two ways:

  • hire a team consisting of professionals in their field (mason, plumber, electrician, etc.), and conclude a formal contract with prescribed terms of cooperation;
  • look for each specialist separately: by ads in the entrances, on sites like OLX or by “word of mouth” ... And with each separate agreement on working conditions, price and terms.

In which case the process (and, importantly, the result of the work) will most likely suit you and take much less precious time: when will a well-coordinated team take up the work, or a scattered brigade of workers?

Perhaps (although not a fact :), the second option will be a little cheaper. But the main goal in such an important matter is not to save money, but to get the desired result, right? And your business is no exception!

Knowing this need well, we at SPRAVA have been working for more than 20 years to ensure that our customers can trust us. We have assembled a reliable team of Internet promotion specialists and today it is a single organism, consisting of highly specialized departments. Thus…

A whole team is working on your project in Sprava:

  • SEO Specialist
  • marketer
  • programmer (to carry out technical work on the site, implement SEO tasks, improve the site)
  • advertising specialist
  • designer
  • content specialist who writes texts for the site according to the detailed terms of reference of an SEO specialist
  • project manager - a person who unites the entire team with the customer, coordinates all processes and controls the development of the project.

How can we be useful to your business?

Presently we have achieved expertise in the following areas of Internet marketing, each of which is focused on achieving different goals:

  • Getting hot leads - PPC advertising and organic SEO
  • Expanding the audience of potential buyers or customers - targeted advertising, Google Display Network
  • Returning customers to the site for repeat purchases - retargeting with smart banners and targeted advertising
  • Brand promotion and strengthening the company's image - banner advertising, working with tools such as Google My Business.

Depending on the niche of your business and the end goal, we develop a strategy by combining these marketing tools and channels, as each of them will give only a part of the traffic and complete its task.

And in order for each of your coin to be spent with maximum efficiency, you cannot do without primary analytics (which will work better specifically in your case), further testing of channels (because even depending on the region where the business is present, tools can provide different efficiency), optimization and reallocation of the advertising budget towards more conversion requests - that is, those that bring REAL sales, and not just high positions and excellent site traffic.

As you can see, the complex of works on the site is huge and they should be carried out by a well-coordinated team capable of bringing the process to a result.

Let’s summarize?

The most valuable resource in the modern world is time. That is why our priority at SPRAVA digital marketing company is an integrated approach and result-oriented quality. Because you don’t have much time, and you need sales “for yesterday”.

We do not promise what we cannot deliver - we offer you a long-term partnership on a professional basis.

Alya Horelikova
CMO of Sprava Agency
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7 Min read
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