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FAQPage structured data (question-answer) or how to get more space in Google search results?

Tetiana Zheveha
Head of SEO at Sprava Agency
9 Min read
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July 2019. Google Dance Singapore Conference. It was on this day that a new type of structured data shchema.org -FAQPage was officially presented to the Internet community.

FAQPage is a type of structured data for pages and FAQ blocks on websites. With correct implementation and compliance with Google algorithms, information marked up with this type of markup can be displayed in the search as rich results.

Help materials from Google about FAQPage

We recommend that you pay special attention to the Content Recommendations block, which, among other things, describes which types of pages and content cannot be marked up as FAQPage.

Attentive seo-specialists immediately noticed and began to actively implement the novelty on their projects. After all, the trend in seo 2020, and for 2021, also remains relevant - to stand out as much as possible in SERP (SERP is a search results page that is shown to the user after entering a query of interest.).

What is needed for implementation:

  • finalize the functionality with the question-answer block on all landing pages;
  • prescribe the questions themselves with answers in the amount of at least two;
  • embed schema.org FAQPage structured data directly into this block.

Extended site snippet in Google with FAQPage structured data

And already a day later (after being crawled by search bots), the pages appeared in the search results in the form of an extended snippet, after which they took up 2-2.5 times more space.

Yes, it's beautiful. - you say. Not only beautiful. This work has a direct impact on SEO.

SEO promotion and markup FAQPage

It is reasonable to assume that the impact of the work on website promotion will be as follows:

more visible snippet → increase CTR → improved behavioural factors (BF) → increase in positions.

And this is actually how it works.

Growth of positions after implementation on different projects amounted to 3-8 points.

Let me show you an example of a specific page:

  • Implementation of the block - January 2020.
  • Data on positions for 5 months - in the table.
  01-2020 02-2020 03-2020 04-2020 05-2020
заказать маркизы в киеве 9 7 8 2 1
изготовление маркиз в киеве 9 6 6 4 2
купить маркизы в киеве 10 7 10 4 1
маркизы в киеве 9 10 10 8 1
стоимость маркиз в киеве 9 5 8 1 1
цена на маркизы в киеве 10 10 10 5 1

Do you want the same? We at SPRAVA will be happy to help:

In what cases the markup did not work and will not work?

I must warn. There are several requirements, without which work on a new snippet will either be ineffective or not work at all:

  1. The site (or its specific pages) did not reach positions in the top 10 (starting from position 11, the expanded snippet is not displayed);
  2. There is no markup on the landing pages that is incompatible with the current one.
  3. The site falls into the zero position: questions and answers are not displayed.
  4. For the Main page (domain), the extended snippet is not displayed under any conditions (but for the Main page in the language versions there are no such restrictions :-) ).

Google is improving.. We are not standing still either.

Exactly one year has passed since Google introduced this markup to the world. And in July 2020, an update came to her work. Or rather, an update in the ranking.

Now being in the top and implementing the technical part correctly is not enough. It is important to work with the optimization of both the page and the block with questions and answers on the site. And this does not give a 100% guarantee of impressions in the search. But the chances are greatly increased.

We have seen in practice in working on client projects that the introduction of markup with its, even if not 100% impressions, still works well for website promotion.

Dynamics of organic traffic to the website of the online store after the implementation of the FAQPage structured data

So, the implemented block on the site of an online furniture store immediately contributed to the growth of traffic. The figures pleasantly pleased even us.


  • positions in the top - 71%;
  • traffic growth 24 hours after implementation - + 24%.

Perfection knows no limits

You always want more.. don't you? And we, with the projects of customers, went further.

More space is not enough for us. We need to be as visible as possible.

The next step was to combine the FAQPage structured data with Aggregate Rating.

Site snippet in Google with FAQPage structured data with Aggregate Ratin

And here is the result.

Even the most demanding user is attracted by such a snippet and forced to click. Isn't that what every internet site marketer wants?


We live in an era of rapid development and rapid response. And in order for projects to grow and develop, in addition to the basic things in SEO promotion, you always need to look for additional features, new tools, techniques and implement, test, try. Effective practices - to scale.

The FAQPage structured data is such a tool. Its effectiveness has been proven by us practically. Now it's up to you.

Tetiana Zheveha
Head of SEO at Sprava Agency
9 Min read
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